Tuesday 12 May 2015

News:Jamie Dornan on Being Heat's Hottest Hunk

                        Jamie Dornan's Dad:"Jamie cant believe he's  Heat's Hottest Hunk


 Just two weeks ago, thousands of you voted Jamie      Dornan as your No1 inheat’s Hottest Hunks 2015. But Jamie hasn’t got his head around it yet. Seeing as he’s one of the busiest men in showbiz, it’s been tricky to pin him down (not in a Fifty Shades way) for a chat – so we asked his lovely dad Jim to give Jamie a call for us.
“I sent Jamie the Hottest Hunks copy to South Africa where he’s filming,” Jim exclusively tells heat.
“Winning these sort of things doesn’t mean an awful lot to Jamie, but I knew he’d be pleased. When I called him, he told me, ‘There be must be some kind of mistake!’ But that’s his usual modest self-effacement coming through.”

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